Hudson’s Farm Fresh
Categories list:
Fruits and Vegetables
Panmure Farms is owned and operated by the 6th generation Hudsons, descendents of William Hudson who emigrated from Leeds County, England to Canada in 1832. He purchased the original 50 acres where the farmhouse stands today. Bruce and Brian Hudson currently run the farrow to finish swine and cash crop operation. When the boys, Bruce and Brian, were growing up, their parents, Graham and Kay, provided them with the opportunity to ''make a little pocket money'' selling sweet corn at the end of the lane. This part of the business has since evolved into Hudson's Farm Fresh produce which now supplies sweet corn and other fresh produce to the Ottawa Valley and the west end of the City of Ottawa.
Bruce & Liz Hudson/Brian & Lynn Hudson
2831 Upper Dwyer Hill Road Kinburn, ON K0A 2H0