Harvest Moon Farm
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Fruits and Vegetables
The spectacular Carp Ridge is home to Harvest Moon Orchard since 1986. We're just a 5 kilometre drive north of the Carp Fairgrounds! The rich soil and slope have proven ideal for the 60 plus varieties of apples, pears, and plums we grow in this northern climate. Our 1000 trees include historical varieties such as Wolf River, Scarlet Pippin, Tolman Sweet and Snow as well as McIntosh and Cortland. Gingergold, Honeycrisp and Ambrosia are among the tasty new varieties we grow,
Stop by our country store and gift shop. We're open Wednesday to Sunday from August through December. You'll find home grown apples, potatoes, field tomatoes, onions, squash, pumpkins and cider. We have pies, crisps and preserves and a nice selection of gifts!
P.O. Box 321, 4625 Carp Rd Carp, ON K0A 1L0